Writing, Sitting, & Stretching Towards Creative Light
Surround yourself with beautiful vistas and healing energy for a long weekend of contemplative practice at Bell Valley Retreat, in Boonville, Northern California.
In the presence of timeless dharma wisdom, a sangha to share the path, and your own awakened nature, you will lift yourself out of habit and reach toward creative light.
This weekend offers you space to breathe deeply and recommit to practicing peace.
My vision for this retreat is to bring all of us together in person to experience the connection of sangha and really immerse in the field of dharma and practice with one another.
This retreat will distill some of the core teachings from my work into a condensed form. This retreat will crystallize the dharma teachings, instill experiences of awakening, and invoke pathways into creative wisdom light.
Practicing together in person, in this tranquil setting, we will enter into a deep space of meditative inquiry and inner growth, settling anxieties, creating intimacy with the wholeness of life, and integrating all we learn.
I hope you'll come with us to carry the values of peace and freedom, deeper into your own heart, remember your inherent luminosity, see more clearly, and cherish all that comes.
During the Deep Peace, Boundless Freedom Retreat, you'll experience a hand-picked selection of teachings and techniques from the lineages of Buddhism, Śaiva & Śakta Tantra, & modern psychology. You'll open up the dense structures of mind, shift perspective, and generate compassionate attitudes and actions.
Our practices will emphasize meditation, writing, and interactive Antenna Listening exercises, but will also include creative drawing, breath work, mantra, movement, and asana. You'll see how these transformative approaches keep your awareness open and your heart calm as you move through a living world.
I've chosen Bell Valley Retreat for this event, so we can benefit from immersion in an environment conducive to insight and introspection. Situated in the stunning beauty of the Northern California landscape, the venue's design incorporates careful attention to deeply nurturing aesthetics.
***Terms and Conditions Apply***
Please see the payment page for details.
Kelly Blaser is the founder of DharmaBridge and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with an emphasis in Buddhism, Śaiva and Śakta Tantra, and Somatic Psychology.
She is dedicated to the power of metta (loving-kindness) as the driver of access to reality, and thus true transformation at the personal and collective level. Her programs and courses focus largely on the power of applying the dharma to one's relationship with oneself and others. Kelly helps people train themselves in meditation, mindfulness practices, and compassionate self-inquiry, so they can gain freedom from conditioned mind, open up to possibility, and contribute to deep systems change at the level of the collective, for the benefit of all beings.
Kelly began yoga and sitting practice in 1989. She has taught yoga and meditation since 1997 and has been an MFT for over 12 years. She draws inspiration from the Zen, Vipassana, Vajrayana, Śaiva, and Śakta teachings, as well as from the wildness of nature.
Questions? Email: kelly@kellyblaser.com
© 2019-22 Kelly Blaser | DharmaBridge