Get a FREE Meditation "Principles of Lucidity" with Kelly when you sign up!

Stretch, Sit
, Write, and Spark Change

Sign up to join Kelly & the wider sangha each month for transformative practices and community support.

Offered for Free
Donations Accepted

Upcoming Schedule

Sunday Sessions is currently not in session. Sign up to receive:

* More information

* Email notifications on when it will return

* Your free gift

We will provide recordings to registered participants for 7 days after each event. As always, do endeavor to come live.

Your FREE Gift: Principles of Lucidity Meditation

  • Get Instant Access when you sign up for Sunday Sessions.
  • Feel into your breath, body, & energetic field to re-connect with "base reality," consciousness, itself.
  • Discover practices in Loving Kindness, Compassion, Concentration, Dissolving False Self-Images, and more.

I'm Kelly, a Dharma Teacher and a Therapist

I've created these once-a-month sessions to provide a regular refuge for our community to come together in practice and the dharma. Join us on Zoom for transformative methods to help you spark change in your life.

Donations are gratefully accepted

You can make a donation with PayPal or with your credit card.

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